Apply Scroll to Top in MVC Viewpage
Step1: index.cshtml
<div id="BacktoTop">
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/js/Scroll.js"></script>
var scrolltotop = { setting: { startline: 100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration: 1e3, fadeduration: [500, 100] }, controlHTML: '<img src="/images/GoTop.png" />', controlattrs: { offsetx: 5, offsety: 5 }, anchorkeyword: "#top", state: { isvisible: !1, shouldvisible: !1 }, scrollup: function () { this.cssfixedsupport || this.$control.css({ opacity: 0 }); var t = isNaN(this.setting.scrollto) ? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto); t = "string" == typeof t && 1 == jQuery("#" + t).length ? jQuery("#" + t).offset().top : 0, this.$body.animate({ scrollTop: t }, this.setting.scrollduration) }, keepfixed: function () { var t = jQuery(window), o = t.scrollLeft() + t.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx, s = t.scrollTop() + t.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety; this.$control.css({ left: o + "px", top: s + "px" }) }, togglecontrol: function () { var t = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); this.cssfixedsupport || this.keepfixed(), this.state.shouldvisible = t >= this.setting.startline ? !0 : !1, this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible ? (this.$control.stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, this.setting.fadeduration[0]), this.state.isvisible = !0) : 0 == this.state.shouldvisible && this.state.isvisible && (this.$control.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, this.setting.fadeduration[1]), this.state.isvisible = !1) }, init: function () { jQuery(document).ready(function (t) { var o = scrolltotop, s = document.all; o.cssfixedsupport = !s || s && "CSS1Compat" == document.compatMode && window.XMLHttpRequest, o.$body = t(window.opera ? "CSS1Compat" == document.compatMode ? "html" : "body" : "html,body"), o.$control = t('<div id="topcontrol">' + o.controlHTML + "</div>").css({ position: o.cssfixedsupport ? "fixed" : "absolute", bottom: o.controlattrs.offsety, right: o.controlattrs.offsetx, opacity: 0, cursor: "pointer" }).attr({ title: "Scroll to Top" }).click(function () { return o.scrollup(), !1 }).appendTo("body"), document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && "" != o.$control.text() && o.$control.css({ width: o.$control.width() }), o.togglecontrol(), t('a[href="' + o.anchorkeyword + '"]').click(function () { return o.scrollup(), !1 }), t(window).bind("scroll resize", function (t) { o.togglecontrol() }) }) } }; scrolltotop.init();
Step1: index.cshtml
<div id="BacktoTop">
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/js/Scroll.js"></script>
var scrolltotop = { setting: { startline: 100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration: 1e3, fadeduration: [500, 100] }, controlHTML: '<img src="/images/GoTop.png" />', controlattrs: { offsetx: 5, offsety: 5 }, anchorkeyword: "#top", state: { isvisible: !1, shouldvisible: !1 }, scrollup: function () { this.cssfixedsupport || this.$control.css({ opacity: 0 }); var t = isNaN(this.setting.scrollto) ? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto); t = "string" == typeof t && 1 == jQuery("#" + t).length ? jQuery("#" + t).offset().top : 0, this.$body.animate({ scrollTop: t }, this.setting.scrollduration) }, keepfixed: function () { var t = jQuery(window), o = t.scrollLeft() + t.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx, s = t.scrollTop() + t.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety; this.$control.css({ left: o + "px", top: s + "px" }) }, togglecontrol: function () { var t = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); this.cssfixedsupport || this.keepfixed(), this.state.shouldvisible = t >= this.setting.startline ? !0 : !1, this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible ? (this.$control.stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, this.setting.fadeduration[0]), this.state.isvisible = !0) : 0 == this.state.shouldvisible && this.state.isvisible && (this.$control.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, this.setting.fadeduration[1]), this.state.isvisible = !1) }, init: function () { jQuery(document).ready(function (t) { var o = scrolltotop, s = document.all; o.cssfixedsupport = !s || s && "CSS1Compat" == document.compatMode && window.XMLHttpRequest, o.$body = t(window.opera ? "CSS1Compat" == document.compatMode ? "html" : "body" : "html,body"), o.$control = t('<div id="topcontrol">' + o.controlHTML + "</div>").css({ position: o.cssfixedsupport ? "fixed" : "absolute", bottom: o.controlattrs.offsety, right: o.controlattrs.offsetx, opacity: 0, cursor: "pointer" }).attr({ title: "Scroll to Top" }).click(function () { return o.scrollup(), !1 }).appendTo("body"), document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && "" != o.$control.text() && o.$control.css({ width: o.$control.width() }), o.togglecontrol(), t('a[href="' + o.anchorkeyword + '"]').click(function () { return o.scrollup(), !1 }), t(window).bind("scroll resize", function (t) { o.togglecontrol() }) }) } }; scrolltotop.init();
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